Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Where I'm Headed

I have the extraordinary privilege of serving at the Nauvoo Visitor's Center and Carthage Jail along with some of the smaller historic sites in the Nauvoo area.  Here are some pictures of some of the places in my new home!
Martyr Statue at Carthage Jail

Carthage Jail

Joseph Smith's Mansion House
Joseph Smith's Red Brick Store

Seventies Hall

Interior of Seventies Hall

View of temple from across the river

Nauvoo Temple
Wilford Woodruff's Nauvoo Home

Monday, March 11, 2013

Back Story

With a week until my mission, I thought I would share how this whole journey came to be (and you'll get a sample of my farewell talk as well)....

 I was in Cedar City for a race with some of the Utah State cross country team whom I was running with at that time.  My family along with my grandparents and my aunt came to cheer me on in my first ever collegiate race.  After the race we were going to proceed on to St. George to stay at my grandparents’ house for the weekend to watch conference.  How could I know that Saturday morning session was going to change my life forever?  President Monson wasted no time in his opening comments that morning.  He announced 139 operating temples, with 27 more announced or under construction and then proceeded to announce 2 more temples.  He then announced that worthy young men now had the option of serving a mission at age 18 instead of 19.  I thought to myself: “Wow, that is so amazing!  What a cool surprise!”  But what happened next, I never could have foreseen.  He said: “As we have prayerfully pondered the age at which young men may begin their missionary service, we have also given consideration to the age at which a young woman might serve.  Today I am pleased to announce that able, worthy young women who have the desire to serve may be recommended for missionary service beginning at age 19, instead of age 21.”  The smile I had on my face after the announcement was made for the boys, turned to tears.  This shocked my family, as I had made it clear in the past that I would not be serving a mission until I was married with gray hair and grandkids.  I had never even considered serving a mission as a young person!  I was finally at the college I wanted to attend, running on a collegiate level, and had just applied to several Nursing schools!  So why was I having this overwhelming feeling that President Monson’s announcement was directed specifically to me?  Let me tell you, I am a very stubborn person.  When I set my mind to something, I do not give in.  But the Spirit is very stubborn as well and won’t stop until we do what we’re meant to do. The feeling I was having was like during testimony meeting when people stand up and say they didn’t want to get up but the Spirit made them, only times that by infinity!  For two days I fought with the Spirit, trying to deny the unmistakable confirmation that serving a mission was what I was supposed to be doing at this point in my life.  Finally, on Sunday afternoon, I received a priesthood blessing from my dad and my grandpa that I would have clarity and peace when I had made the right decision.  After the blessing I got on my knees and literally cried to the Lord that I had made the decision to go, but I wanted Him to stop me if it was wrong.  I had this sudden peace come over me and my heart finally stopped pounding.  I sat there in silence for a moment, opened my eyes and looked up at the ceiling, and said: “Ok, you win!  I’ll go!”  I testify to you that when God gives you an answer, you shouldn't ask again.  If it was right initially, it is right now and will always be right.  He does not do anything to confuse us or throw us off.  Yes, we may have a plan for our lives, but His plan is the only one that matters.  The day I decided to serve a mission, I learned that as Christ’s witness, I need to have complete trust and faith that He knows us better than we know ourselves, and it is our duty to show the confidence we have in Him to the world.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Gettin' Started

Kicking off my last week home before my life changes forever!  I thought I'd introduce my mission blog with some of my family pictures and some of my missionary pics!  My family has been so supportive and amazing throughout this whole process.  I would be nowhere without them.  They are wonderful and pretty good lookin' too, if I do say so myself ;)